A play on the topic of Compassion.
Can be played to include a ranging number of actors. Either:
- (3) Two actors and a narrator
- (14) One main core actor, and narrator, but different 'extras' in each scene
- (24) Same narrator only, entirely different set of actors each scene.
- (34) Different set of narrators and actors for each scene (but same set for each scene variation a. and b.)
- (66) Different narrator and actors for each scene variation (but very short roles each)
- NOTE: delete a scene or double up actors to get the right number)
Compassion = sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
Compassionisation = the action of making a person compassionate
---------------- OPENING Scene: Narrator, Cameron ------------------------
~Narrator: Once upon a time there was a boy who, no matter what bad things happened to people around him, wouldn't show any compassion... to anyone. In fact, you could say he was the opposite of compassion!
In fact, if there was a story on the TV about thousands of people hurt and homeless from an earthquake, he wouldn't care, he would... change the channel.....
Cameron: (Changes the channel)
~Narrator: to watch a game of football ...
Cameron: Hey, football!
~Narrator: Between two teams he didn't even like.
Cameron: I hate these teams... Oh well.
---------------- Scene 1a: Narrator, Cameron, +1 ------------------------
~Narrator: Someone could fall over.
Jessie: [falls over]
~Narrator: He wouldn't help, he would ...laugh.
Cameron: (Laughs)
---------------- Scene 2a: Narrator, Cameron, +1 ------------------------
~Narrator: He could find out a friend’s pet had died
Jessie: My cat, Fluffy, got hit by a car yesterday.
~Narrator: He wouldn't speak kindly, he would... Make fun.
Cameron: Doesn't surprise me - Fluffy was the dumbest cat I know. Dumbest name for a cat with no hair too!
Jessie: She had a rear disease!
Cameron: What are you sooking about then, it was going to die anyway!
---------------- Scene 3a: Narrator, Cameron, +2/3 ------------------------
~Narrator: He might see someone being bullied
Jessie: [to bullies] HEY, give me my lunch back!
~Narrator: He wouldn't step in and help, he would... join in the bullying.
Cameron: Hahaha, got your lunch stolen, AGAIN!
---------------- Scene 4a: Narrator, Cameron, +1 ------------------------
~Narrator: If he saw a homeless person on the street, he wouldn't give them his change... He'd go to Mc Donald's and eat only half the food he ordered... Throwing out the rest.
Cameron: (Throws away bag)
---------------- Scene 5a: Narrator, Cameron, +1 ------------------------
~Narrator: If someone was afraid of flying,
Cameron: What's your problem?
Jessie: I’ve never flown before, not sure I can do this.
~Narrator: he wouldn't encourage them, he'd.... try and Scare them.
Cameron: Yep I think we will die, I saw one of the wings had a big crack in it... But what can we do, the seat belt sign's on, you'll make the plane crash if you take your seat belt off now anyway.... (Hehehe)
---------------- Scene 6a: Narrator, Cameron, +2 ------------------------
~Narrator: If he knew someone had their girlfriend break up with them,
Breakup 1: It’s over
Breakup 2: But... I love you!!
~Narrator: he wouldn't comfort them, he would ... Tease them.
Cameron: Haha, you're all alone... again!
---------------- Scene 7a: Narrator, Cameron, +1 ------------------------
~Narrator: If an elderly person got on a bus and there were no seats,
Jessie: [walks up to chairs]
~Narrator: he would never move over.
Cameron: (Spreads out)
---------------- Scene 8a: Narrator, Cameron, +1 ------------------------
~Narrator: If he knew someone who was embarrassed about their body, he wouldn't ignore it, but... make fun of it.
Cameron: Wow your chin is really, really, REALLY big!
---------------- Scene 9a: Narrator, Cameron, +1 ------------------------
~Narrator: If someone performed a musical item and they made a mistake,
Jessie: [plays item makes mistake]
~Narrator: He wouldn't ignore the error, he would tell everyone around him about the mistake.
Cameron: Did you hear that mistake, yeah terrible player, what about you, did you hear the mistake...
---------------- CHANGE Scene: Narrator, Cameron, +1 ------------------------
~Narrator: It seemed, No matter what misfortune happened to others around him - he NEVER showed any compassion to anyone, UNTIL ...
One day the boy went to a doctor for an annual check-up.
The doctor was running very late, which annoyed the uncompassionate.
Cameron: What’s taking you so long!
~Narrator: Said the boy. And the doctor proceeded to tell him about the bad news he had to tell his previous patient.
Cameron: That’s no excuse!
~Narrator: Said the boy.
Cameron: I’m not dying and I’m in a hurry to go play my Xbox.
~Narrator: The Doctor was shocked at his lack of compassion. In fact He’d never seen such a bad case in the years he’d been practicing medicine – other than on Youtube.

The next morning, while watching the morning news the boy noticed something strange happening.
He was feeling sorry for the people who were homeless from the earthquake! He actually wanted to find a way to help them, and one of his eyes even started to cry a little!
It seemed this boy now had compassion!
------------------------ Scene 1b ----------------------------
~Narrator: From that day on, If he saw someone fall over,
Jessie: [falls over]
~Narrator: He wouldn't laugh he would ...help.
Cameron: (Helps)
------------------------ Scene 2b ----------------------------
~Narrator: If a friend's pet had died, he would speak...kindly,
Cameron: I'm sorry to hear about your pet!
------------------------ Scene 3b ----------------------------
~Narrator: If he saw someone being bullied He would... be a friend.
Cameron: Got your lunch stolen again? Want some of mine.
------------------------ Scene 4b ----------------------------
~Narrator: If he saw a homeless person on the street... he would give them his change.
Cameron: (Gives change)
------------------------ Scene 5b ----------------------------
~Narrator: If someone was afraid of flying, He would... encourage them.
Cameron: We'll be fine - I fly all the time!
------------------------ Scene 6b ----------------------------
~Narrator: If he knew someone had their girlfriend break up with them, he would ... comfort them
Cameron: Mate we should go play some basketball, help you take your mind off her.
------------------------ Scene 7b ----------------------------
~Narrator: If an elderly person got on a bus and there were no seats, he would ... stand and offer his seat
Cameron: (Stands )
------------------------ Scene 8b ----------------------------
~Narrator: If he knew someone who was embarrassed about their body, he would ignore it.
Cameron: (notices a BIG chin, but says) Umm, how about the weather!
------------------------ Scene 9b ----------------------------
~Narrator: If someone performed a musical item and they made a mistake, he would ... ignore the error and encourage them
Cameron: Nice item! Well done.
----------------- End Scene: Narrator, Cameron, +1 ---------------------
~Narrator: In fact, with his life filled with compassion, he was now one of the nicest people you'll ever meet.
Fortunately, you CAN choose to be compassionate all by yourself, without the need of a mysterious injection.
And I think we all agree, if everyone was compassionate, what a better world it would be to live in! (accidentally drop script on ground)
Cameron: Haha, you drop your script.
~Narrator: (gives a disappointed glare to Cameron.)
Doctor: (comes out, jabs Cameron again. )
Cameron: Well done. Well read. Give them a round of applause everyone.
[All walk off stage.]
[Alternate 'change scene' plot option which can replace the injection scene]
"One day the boy was at the supermarket. He was on his way to buy some
breakfast cereal when he saw an old man struggling to reach the top
shelf. As he was staring at the man, having a little laugh to himself,
he missed the box of cornflakes he was reaching for and accidentally
grabbed a box of ... Compassion Flakes.
The next morning, the boy was watching the morning news while eating the compassion flakes, and something strange happened."
He started feeling sorry for the people who were homeless from the
earthquake! He actually wanted to find a way to help them and one of his
eyes even started to cry a little!
It seemed this boy now had compassion for people."
Edinburgh College Arts Evening - November 10, 2015
Gilson College (Mernda) Chapel - May 18, 2015