Leaving Slavery...Again [Skit for a large group of kids about Moses, Pharaoh, the plagues and crossing the Red Sea]

Performance: Castle Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church Pathfinder Club- August 18, 2018

Kid: Mum, how did the Israelites get out of slavery?

Narrator: Well, my equally aged child, let me get some of our fellow Pathfinders to help tell the story.
One day God had asked Moses and Aaron to ask the Egyptian Pharaoh to let the Israelites go out into the desert to worship the Lord God. But Pharaoh thought it was a stupid idea.
Pharaoh: [laughs] That’s a stupid idea!

Narrator: And he made the Israelites work harder than ever before.
Israelite 1:
Aww Man!
Israelite 2: What have you done, Moses?
Israelite 3: Now we have to work harder than ever before!
Israelite 4: Not happy, Moses!

Narrator: So God had Moses and Aaron visit Pharaoh again. This time Aaron was told to throw his staff down in front of Pharaoh, and the staff turned into a snake.
Arron: [throws down pretend staff]
Plague Person 1: [pretends to be snake]

Narrator: This alarmed the Egyptians.
Egyptians: [squeal]

Narrator: But Pharaoh's magician did the same.
Magician: [throws down pretend staff]
Plague person 2: [pretends to be snake]
Magician: Tada!
Egyptians: [polite clapping]

Narrator: But then Aaron's snake started eating the magician’s snake.
Plague person 1: [eats 2]
Egyptian 1: Eww!
Egyptian 2: That’s gross!
Egyptian 3: That’s just weird!

Narrator: But after this sign, Pharaoh still didn’t agree to the request. So God had Moses strike the water of the Nile with his staff. The Nile’s water turned into blood, and it stank... a lot.
Egyptian 1: Pew!
Egyptian 2: That stinks!
Egyptian 3: A lot!

Narrator: But, Pharaoh’s magician could do the same thing.
Magician: Tada!
Egyptian 1: Really?
Egyptian 2: You’re know you’re not helping, right?
Egyptian 3: I wonder what blood type it is?

Narrator: Pharaoh still wasn’t interested, and would not let the Israelites go.
Israelites: Aww!! :(

Narrator: So a week later a plague of frogs came and covered all of Egypt.
Plague people: [hop obnoxiously around Pharaoh, saying ‘red-ip’]

Narrator: This was most irritating to Pharaoh.
Pharaoh: Well, this is most irritating.

Narrator: And Pharaoh said the Israelites could leave if the frogs were taken away.
Israelite 1: YAY!
Israelite 2: Good work, Moses!
Israelite 3: We knew you could do it.
Israelite 4: Moses, you’re the man!

Narrator: So all the frogs died and were piled up in a dead heap, which caused another great stench around Egypt.
Egyptian 1: Pew, not again!
Egyptian 2: That stinks!
Egyptian 3: Get me a clay jar, I’m going to be sick!

Narrator: But Pharaoh changed his mind once the frogs were gone.
Aww!! :(
Narrator: After this, a plague of gnats came.
Plague people: [buzz around Egyptians]
Egyptian 1:
Aww man!
Egyptian 2: Shoo!
Egyptian 3: Buzz off!

Narrator: Pharaoh’s magician couldn’t do that.
Magician: [tries but can’t, and looks sad]
Egyptian 1: Don’t feel bad.
Egyptian 2: You’d have only made things worse.
Egyptian 3: Why is gnats spelt with a G?

Narrator: But Pharaoh didn’t care about the gnats.
Pharaoh: Whatever.

Narrator: So after this, a plague of flies came.
Plague people: [buzz around Egyptians]
Egyptian 1:
Aww man!
Egyptian 2: Shoo!
Egyptian 3: Buzz off!

Narrator: This did quite irritate Pharaoh.
Pharaoh: Well, this is quite irritating.

Narrator: And Pharaoh reluctantly said the Israelites could go, as long as they didn’t go very far, and the flies were taken away.
Israelites: Yay!

Narrator: So the flies were taken away.
Egyptians: Yay!

Narrator: But Pharaoh changed his mind again, so the Israelites could not leave.
Aww!! :(
Narrator: After this all the Egyptian farm animals died.
Plague people: [cough and lie on their back. Hands and legs in the air]
Aww man.

Narrator: But Pharaoh didn’t care.
Pharaoh: Whatever.

Narrator: Then the Egyptians were struck with boils.
Aww man!

Narrator: But Pharaoh didn’t care.
Pharaoh: Whatever.

Narrator: And this happened 4 more times, with hail,
Aww man!
Pharaoh: Whatever.

Narrator: Locusts,
Aww man!
Pharaoh: Whatever.

Narrator: Darkness,
Egyptians: [bump into each other] OWW! Man, watch it!
Pharaoh: Whatever.

Narrator: And finally the death of the firstborn in every Egyptian family, including Pharoah’s first born son. This was finally too much for Pharaoh, and the Israelites were ordered to leave, immediately.
Israelite 1: YAY!
Israelite 2: Good work, Moses!
Israelite 3: We knew you could do it.
Israelite 4: Moses, you’re the man!
[Plague people line up with arms out straight, rocking like a wave.]

Narrator: But soon after the Israelites left, Pharaoh changed his mind, again, and sent out his army to round up the Israelites and bring them home again.
[Egyptians head towards Israelites]
Israelite 1: The Egyptians are coming!
Israelite 2: What have you done, Moses?
Israelite 3: You’ve led us out to be killed!
Israelite 4: Not happy, Moses!

Narrator: But Moses stretched out his hand over the Red Sea and it parted, and allowed the Israelites to cross.
[Moses holds hands up, Plague row raise their arms up]
Israelite 1: YAY!
Israelite 2: Good work, Moses!
Israelite 3: We knew you could do it.
Israelite 4: Moses, you’re the man!

Narrator: But then the Egyptians also began to cross the Red Sea and follow them.
[Egyptians begin passing past he Plague people]
Israelite 1: The Egyptians are coming!
Israelite 2: What have you done, Moses?
Israelite 3: You’ve led us out to be killed!
Israelite 4: Not happy, Moses!

Narrator: But Moses raised his hands again and the sea fell in on itself, drowning all the Pharaoh's horses and all the Pharaoh’s men, who were never to be seen in Egypt again.
[Plague people lower their hands on the Egyptians, who scream and sink to the floor.]
Israelite 1: YAY!
Israelite 2: Good work, Moses!
Israelite 3: We knew you could do it.
Israelite 4: Moses, I’ve said it once, I’ve said it twice, I’ll say it again: you’re the man!

Narrator: And that, my child, who’s possibly even a few months older than me, is how the Israelites got out of slavery.
Kid: OHHH! Sorry!! I meant Joseph! How did JOSEPH get out of slavery.

Narrator: [Narrator glares at kid for a moment] Go and ask your father.
[Narrator and everyone leave, kids leaves last, a little puzzled]


All items on this site are written by Scott Wegener, a multi award-winning Australian creative writer, specialising in fun Christian dramas and articles. He believes in looking on the lighter side of life while still valuing the eternal seriousness of life's decisions. This site is essentially a place Scott stores his works, sometimes without much copy-editing (do forgive any spelling/grammar creativity you spot on this site that comes free of charge due to his slight dyslexia).