In Love [skit about motives for a relatioinship with God, and/or keeping the Sabbath]

 Performance: Castle Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church Online service - Postponed

Four men come out of a flower shop, in turns one after the other. A Reporter with microphone interviews them each as they come out.

Reporter: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today we’re at the local florist and we’re surveying some blokes reported to be buying flowers for their wife every week. We want to find out what it is that drives these guys to do such a lovely thing every weekend for their wife.
Hello Sir, could you tell us, why have you bought flowers for your wife this week?

1: Because I’ve been bad, actually. 

Reporter: Oh really?

1: Yeah, and if I don’t get her some flowers, I fear she might get very angry at me! And I’ve heard stories about how angry my wife can get, back in the old days. So I get flowers for her each week.

Reporter: So you’re just trying to keep her calm?

1: That’s it! I think it’s working so far.

Reporter: OH, I see. Well… best of luck with that.
Hello Sir, could you tell us, why have you bought flowers for your wife this week?

2: Because according to excerpt 20 dash 8, it says my wife would love flowers once a week.

Reporter: [disgusted] Really?

2: Yep. It’s a bit of a pain. I’d rather spend my money on something else, but if I don’t give flowers, like she’d like, I’ll reckon I’d be given the boot for sure!

Reporter: So you’re just following her rules to trying and stay married?

1: That’s it!

Reporter: OH, I see. Well… best of luck with that.
Hello Sir, could you tell us, why have you bought flowers for your wife this week?

3: Because it makes her happy.

Reporter: [relieved] Oh really? Now that’s nice!

3: Yeah, and when my wife’s happy she gives me her credit card and I can go shopping for whatever I like. I married her because she so rich from her parents. They are royalty you know. 

Reporter: So you’re trying to win favors from her?

3: Yep. Living the dream, I tell you. In fact…. [whispers] I even bought these with her cash!

Reporter: OH, I see. Well best of luck with that.
[Disheartened] And why are you buying flowers again for your wife this week, sir?
-Because you’ve been bad?
-Because you think you have to?
-Because you’ll get rewarded? 

4: No? Because I love her.

Reporter: And?

4: And?.... I know she likes flowers. Bringing her joy brings me joy. I love her so much!

Reporter: So…. Because… love?

4: Absolutely. I’ll let you in on a secret

Reporter: [disappointed] Oh, here we go

4: It’s really because she loved me first. My love is still playing catch up.

Reporter: Well good for you!
There you go folks. It seems there are many reasons guys buy flowers for their wife weekly.
Though from what I can tell, there’s only one GREAT reason. They’ve fallen in love with their wife.


All items on this site are written by Scott Wegener, a multi award-winning Australian creative writer, specialising in fun Christian dramas and articles. He believes in looking on the lighter side of life while still valuing the eternal seriousness of life's decisions. This site is essentially a place Scott stores his works, sometimes without much copy-editing (do forgive any spelling/grammar creativity you spot on this site that comes free of charge due to his slight dyslexia).