Make Room [ 2-hour, 4 sessions of 7 short acts each: total 28 acts]

G’day Cabin Actors!
With your help, over the next 4 days we are going to present a fantastical continual story through earth’s history - with up to 28 acts over 4 days!
Each day will have the same two angel actors (played by camp staff) conversing for Act 1 and ending alone together in Act 7. The two angels have requests from God to visit different settings in a section of earth’s history, looking for people who will make room for God in their life.
Your cabin will not only be acting out acts 2 to 6 on one of the days, but also writing some of the organise chaos that will take place within the act!
You will find listed for each act a particular setting, some characters and some scene plot suggestions it’s best if you include. You will need to write two or three minutes of script for each act and cast them and rehearse them to be performed by the members of your cabin to the whole camp.
The end of your cabin’s invented scene needs to continue on into the supplied script to end off the act. In this pre-scripted ending, one of the angels will join your cabin and interact in the script with the characters the cabin was given. Do blend in your cabin’s invented script into the existing scripted script. You may or may not get to rehearse with the real angel actors beforehand.
Many acts have room for extras to take part without any set lines. This is for if there are too many cabin members to include line parts for, or so lead actors can be extras in other scenes.
At the end of the cabin acts (2 to 6), the angel will invite a round of applause, and everyone in that act takes a bow and vacates for the next act’s cast to get up on stage.




DAY 1 -  ACT 1 - Angel Intro

DAY 1 -  ACT 2 – Days of Noah

DAY 1 -  ACT 3 – Tower of Bable

DAY 1 -  ACT 4 – Plagues of Egypt

DAY 1 -  ACT 5 – Wilderness Wanderings

DAY 1 -  ACT 6 – Belshazzar’s Feast

DAY 1 -  ACT 7 – Angel Wrap Up



DAY 1 -  ACT 1 - Angel Intro

Celest: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)

Nevaeh: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)

Angels could have costumes, else both wear white t-shirts.  Could be guys or girls. Always played by the same two staff members.

Can have clipboards every act, with their orders from God on them (scripts).


NEVAEH: Hey, Celest, did you just get a request from God for an Earth mission?

CELEST: Hi Nevaeh. I did! You did too, by the sounds?

NEVAEH: Sure did. Looks like we’re a team then.

CELEST: Nice. I’m glad I’m not going alone. I mean, I know that being angels our strength is far superior to the humans, and we even have some extra dimensions we can escape to and all, but, from what I’ve heard, it’s pretty awful down there – at least since Lucifer was sent there after the war.

NEVAEH: Yeah. I hear the smell alone down there is enough to make your wings catch fire.

CELEST: Really?

NEVAEH: Well, not exactly. But I’d be taking a peg if I were you.

CELEST: We’ll be doing washing down there?

NEVAEH: No! for the smell!

CELEST: Oh!!!!! Right.

NEVAEH: Though, probably not a bad idea to wash each night.

CELEST: So, what exactly is your mission?

NEVAEH: I was given a list of people to visit and see if I can convince them to find room for God in their life.

CELEST: That’s my mission too. Let me see your list. [looks] Looks like we have different humans. I guess we’ll split up then, and regroup when were done?

NEVAEH: Sounds like a plan. Where do you want to meet up after?

CELEST: I know a nice solar system in the Andromeda galaxy – which is only a milli second from Earth. Let’s meet up there. They have the most amazing chocolate thick shakes.

NEVAEH: Sound’s good. Well…. Let’s do this!

CELEST: God be with you, Nevaeh.

NEVAEH: God be with you, Celest.


DAY 1 -  ACT 2 – Days of Noah

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Noah

·         Noah’s wife

·         Mocker 1

·         Optional Extras – more Mockers

In your story, include:

·         the mockers teasing Noah and his wife about being on the ark for 5 days with all the animals, with the ark’s door closed

·         nothing’s happened at all yet - not even a cloud in the sky.

·         Mockers enjoy throwing fruit at the ark to make it stick to the sides.

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

MOCKER 1:  Hey Noah, I hope your wife packed enough clean undies for you!

NOAH: Don’t listen to them dear! Though… did you per chance pack any undies for me?

NOAH’S WIFE: Yes, dear. And Socks.

CELEST: Hi Noah, and Mrs Noah.

NOAH’S WIFE:  Oh, hello. Please, call me Mavis.

NOAH:  What’s going on, my angel friend? We’ve been in this ark for days now and nothing’s happened at all. Is this flood still on, or what?

CELEST: I’m not sure, sorry. My instructions are only to come down and find people who have room for God in their life.

NOAH’S WIFE:  Room?! Weve got room alright! It’s them out there who you need to ask.

CELEST: Right. We’ll I’m glad you’re on board! Let me go ask them.

NOAH:  Good luck with that. Hopefully you’ll do better than me. I’ve been trying to convince them for years now!

[Celest goes over to mocker(s)]

CELEST: Hi, Just wondering, have you got room for God in your life?

MOCKER 1:  HAAA!!! Are you kidding me?, Why would I give any room to a God that locks up his followers in a wooden zoo?

CELEST: I really think you should reconsider. I hear there’s plenty of room for you on board.

MOCKER 1: The only room I’ll be making is so I can throw my arm to land tomatoes up on the deck of the boat. Actually, I think YOU might make a good target too.

CELEST: I think that’s my cue to leave! Do reconsider!
[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]


DAY 1 -  ACT 3 – Tower of Bable

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Engineer, bosses people around

·         Worker, who carries large stones, and does what the engineer asks.

·         Slacker, who talks, but doesn’t do any work, even if asked.

·         Optional Extras - more Workers

In your story, include:

·         Engineer keeps changing their mind where the worker should put stone blocks

·         Worker starts to get cranky

·         Slacker worries that another flood might come and the tower isn’t tall enough, or might fall over, or will sink, or there’s not enough room for everyone etc

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

ENGINEER:  Do you not understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? Honestly, it’s like talking to a camel.

WORKER:  Clearly you normally talk to camels because nothing you’re saying is making sense at all!

SLACKER:  Guys I really think you should consider adding life rafts, so it the water DOES come up to the top, we can jump in them. Just to be safe, you know.

NEVAEH:  Hi everyone. What’s with this tower you’re building?

ENGINEER:  You haven’t heard what the tower’s for? Where have you been? On another planet or something?

NEVAEH:  Umm, well, kind of, yeah. What gave it away??

SLACKER:  We all agreed to build this as tall as possible in case God decides to send another flood to kill everyone - we’ll be safe from him.

NEVAEH: Seriously? First, you have NO idea how loving God is, and secondly, if he DID want to wipe away all evil again, this tower would not stand a chance of surviving!

SLACKER:  SEE! We have to build higher I tell you. HIGHER!!

NEVAEH:  No! One little earthquake and God could knock this right over. You have no idea….

WORKER:  What’s an earthquake?? And what brings you here anyway? Just came to poke fun at us?

NEVAEH: No no, I’m actually looking for people to make room for God in their life.

ENGINEER:  We can build in a room for God in the tower, yeah, as long as he’s paying.

SLACKER:  Hey, if God’s living in the tower, we would be safe, because he wouldn’t’ destroy it if he’s living in it!

WORKER:  Well, he can carry his own stones to build his room – I’m not doing it.

NEVAEH: No guys, make room, as in give him your attention, and love even.

ENGINEER:  Love for a God who sent a flood to destroy everyone? No thanks

NEVAEH: No, not everyone, He only wanted to destroy those who were wicked and not willing to accept a place of salvation provided on the ark. He offered to save everyone. It was their choice not to get on the boat.

SLACKER:  See, adding boats IS a good idea!

ENGINEER:  Nah, thanks for the offer. I think we’ll do just fine without God, as long as we have this tower.

WORKER:  We’ve built this far up, we might as well finish it. Maybe THEN I’ll make room for him. From the safety of the top of the tower.

SLACKER:   Yeah, I think I’ll wait and see if my building code complaints are fixed first. If they aren’t, maybe then I’ll consider making room for God. I keep submitting problems I see with this tower and honestly, it’s like they don’t understand a think I’m saying. 

NEVAEH: Well, I can’t force you. I do hope you’ll reconsider.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 1 -  ACT 4 – Plagues of Egypt

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Pharaoh

·         Pharaoh’s advisor

·         Pharaoh’s magician

·         Optional Extras - more magicians

In your story, include:

·         Pharaoh’s cranky at the plagues happening

·         Plagues: Nile to blood, Frogs, Lice, flies happen.

·         Advisor constantly flips between saying to let the Israelites go or not

·         Magicians replicating the blood water and frog plagues – just making things worse.

·         Magicians do other random tricks from then on to cover that they couldn’t copy the rest of the plagues

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

ADVISOR:  Pharaoh, I must insist. This is crazy, first the blood, then Frogs, Lice and now Flies… You have to let the Israelites go. It’s killing us!

PHARAOH:  Nonsense it’s just clever tricks I tell you. Magician, make me a fly, would you.

ADVISOR:  You really want MORE flies? Pharaoh? 

MAGICIAN:  As you wish, Pharaoh the great. Prepare to be amazed at the materialisation of a fly in this roooooooooom!

CELEST:  Hi Guys.

PHARAOH:  Wow, that was impressive. It doesn’t really look like a fly though.

CELEST: A fly? You saw my wings? I thought I put them away before I entered?

ADVISOR:  Where did you come from.

CELEST:  Um, I cannot lie. Heaven actually.

PHARAOH:  What brings you here, Fly of heaven?

CELEST: Um, firstly I’m actually an angel. Not a fly?

PHARAOH:  You’re an angel? You’re an ANGEL!!?? Hey, I asked you to make me a fly, magician! What is wrong with you. You had one job to do.

CELEST: I’ve actually come to see if you have any room for the God of Heaven in your life. An open invitation to you all.

PHARAOH:  The God of Heaven? The same God who is filling my river with Blood, my land with Frogs, Lice and now flies!!!!!????.....  NO!!!!!!!!

CELEST: Um, I believe you could have avoided all that, quite easily.


ADVISOR:  I believe what the great Pharaoh is saying, is… BUZZ OFF!

CELEST: OK. I do hope you’ll find it in your heart to reconsider.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 1 -  ACT 5 – Wilderness Wanderings

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Husband

·         Wife

·         Child

·         Optional Extras - (more children)

In your story, include:

·         Israelite Husband and wife in the wilderness complaining to each other they should not have left Egypt- travel is so hard.

·         Kid keeps nagging parents for random stuff and throws tantrums not getting it.

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

HUSBAND:  You know, I think we need to approach Moses and simply ask, no, TELL him we’re going back to Egypt. We appreciate the freedom but it’s just not working out.

CHILD:  Mum, can I have an ice cream?


CHILD:  Why not!?

WIFE:  Because ice-creams haven’t been invented yet!

CHILD:  Not fair!!!

NEVAEH: Hi there. How’s your day going?

HUSBAND:  Same as everyone else. Tired, sore, hungry, hot.

WIFE:  Cranky

HUSBAND:  Crank… I’m not cranky

WIFE:  Yes, you are, dear.

NEVAEH: Hey so, I’m not sure if this is a good time then, but I was just wondering if you had room for God in your life.

WIFE:  Room for God?

NEVAEH: Yeah, the God who lead you out of Egypt

WIFE:  Don’t mention Egypt!!

HUSBAND:  The God who has Lead us into a wilderness of suffering and pain you mean. I tell you what, I have room for a god who would take us BACK to Egypt! Even if he looked like a calf, I’d follow it back to the good old days in Egypt. I’d have room for a god like that, but not this God who brought us here!

WIFE:  Good old days? We were slaves and worked hard every single day in Egypt.

CHILD:  Mum, can I have a Hover board?


WIFE:  No darling.

CHILD:  Not fair!

WIFE:  Look, I have room for God, yeah.

NEVAEH: You do?!

WIFE:  Yeah, I think I can see where he’s leading us. We’ll get there, things are just a little hard along the way.

NEVAEH: This is wonderful. I’ll pass this on. You won’t regret it.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 1 -  ACT 6 – Belshazzar’s Feast

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         King Belshazzar

·         King’s Friend

·         Servant

·         Optional Extras - more servants

In your story, include:

·         The king and his friend are drunk and find everything they talk about funny.

·         They boss around the servant, requesting all sorts of crazy food combinations be brought, and they think it’s hilarious

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

FRIEND:  Well King Belshazzar, I think I’ve had all I can eat for tonight.

KING:  Nonsense, my friend! Servant, bring the purging bucket for my friend. We’re going to make some space for the next round of feast

SERVANT:  As you wish.

CELEST: Hi guys!

KING:  I must be drunk, I don’t even know who you are! Remind me how we know each other?

CELEST: Um, we just met, actually. I came to ask if you can make room for God in your life?

KING:  What’s that? I can’t hear you?

CELEST: Can you make room for God in your life?

KING:  CAN I MAKE ROOM? Yes, yes, I’ve ordered the purging bucket, We’ll be making room any moment now. You might want to stand back a bit.

CELEST: No… room for the God of Heaven!

FRIEND:  God of Heaven? Hey, didn’t you say we’re drinking out of the cups that belonged to the God of Heaven?

KING:  Oh, yeah! Mighty fine goblets, indeed.

CELEST: So, making room for God?

KING:  Yeah… Naah. Maybe if I can see this in writing, I’ll think about it.

SERVANT:  Your purge buckets.

KING:  Wonderful! [spew sound effect]

CELEST: I’ll take that as a no. I hope you’ll reconsider!

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 1 -  ACT 7 – Angel Wrap Up

Celest: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)

Nevaeh: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)



CELEST: Well, that was an awful experience.

NEVAEH: I heard it was bad, but I was NOT prepared for that!

CELEST: Tell me about it! I think I even got a bit of spew on my wings.

NEVAEH: YUCK! I hope we NEVER have to do this again!

CELEST: Yeah, station me for a million years at the spiral galaxy’s black hole ANY day!

NEVAEH: Did you find anyone willing to make room for God?

CELEST: No, Only Noah and his family, but they had already decided. I think it was the people outside the ark I was meant to help, but they wouldn’t accept the offer. They just wanted to throw tomatoes at me! How about you?

NEVAEH: Only one accepted my invitation. I hope everyone else reconsiders. They have no idea how much God loves them, not to mention how much they’re missing out on in the future.

CELEST: Well, on the bright side, it’s been nice to meet you at least.

NEVAEH:  Yeah, so many angels I haven’t met yet! We should catch up some time, Maybe after Sabbath service one week.

CELEST:   Sound’s great. Otherwise, I’ll see you on the next mission.  But hopefully NOT on earth next time!

NEVAEH:  Yeah, indeed. Still, it’s an honour to serve God – even if it has to be on Earth.

CELEST: Well, I know I don’t need rest – but think I’m going to go lie down for a millennium or two!

NEVAEH: Me too! Good night all!

[wave to audience] How about a round of applause for us!



DAY 2 -  ACT 1 - Angel Intro

DAY 2 -  ACT 2 - Gladiators

DAY 2 -  ACT 3 - Philosophers

DAY 2 -  ACT 4 – Shakespearians

DAY 2 -  ACT 5 – Explorers

DAY 2 -  ACT 6 - Crusaders

DAY 2 -  ACT 7 – Angel Wrap Up


DAY 2 -  ACT 1 - Angel Intro

Celest: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)

Nevaeh: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)


NEVAEH: Hey hey, Celest! Long time no see!

CELEST: Nevaeh! Nice to see you. So, going for another round of finding people who need to make room for God?

NEVAEH: Looks like it. I hope we manage to have more success this time.

CELEST: Surely the humans have started to figure out who God is by now.

NEVAEH: Yeah, they have a book of scriptures compiled now.

CELEST: Oh, do they.

NEVAEH: Yeah, it’s called a boggle… buggle, or something.

CELEST: Well, with Jesus having gone down there, and dying for them and raising from the dead, surely EVERYONE on earth has room for God now.

NEVAEH: Can you believe the humans killed Jesus?!

CELEST: I can, actually.

NEVAEH: True. Come to think of our experience down there last time. There’s some incredibly evil people down there.

CELEST: Well it’s odd to have to go back after Jesus’ visit. But God must know there’s someone who hasn’t made room yet.

NEVAEH: Yeah, I’m guessing it will be hard to find anyone who hasn’t made room for God yet, but let’s see.

CELEST: Ready?

NEVAEH: Let’s do this!

CELEST: God be with you, Nevaeh.

NEVAEH: God be with you, Celest.



DAY 2 -  ACT 2 - Gladiators

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Fighter 1

·         Fighter 2

·         Emperor

·         Optional Extras - Crowd members cheering the fight

In your story, include:

·         A battle where one fighter appears to be winning for a bit, then the other appears to be winning for a bit, and this swaps a couple of times.

·         The emperor is bored, even upset, that no one is dying in the fight.

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

FIGHTER 1:  Why do you keep fighting? You know they are going to release the lions to kill you, if you don’t die soon?

FIGHTER 2:  Not if I kill you first.

EMPEROR:  Seriously guys. What does an emperor have to do the get a good death scene around here?

NEVAEH: Hi everyone.

FIGHTER 1:  Oh, a new contender.

FIGHTER 2:  But, no sword?

EMPEROR:  Finally! I hope YOU manage to kill one of these two. Talk about boring.

NEVAEH: WHAT!?? No, I came to ask if you all have room for God in your life.

FIGHTER 1:  Does it look like we have room?

FIGHTER 2:  Yeah, were kind of busy here – killing each other!

EMPEROR:  No you’re not. No one’s killing anyone. Worst day ever.  Though, this god you speak of. Is he any good at killing?

NEVAEH: Well, he has killed many thousands, I can not lie, but…

EMPEROR:  Great, then I have lots of room in this arena for your god. Bring him in, so he can kill these two hopeless fighters.

NEVAEH: Ummmmm. That’s not what God does.

EMPEROR:  You said he’s a killing machine.

NEVAEH: No, usually He’s removing evilness from the world, to give it a chance. And he has no delight in it, I can tell you that!

EMPEROR:  We’ll if your god isn’t going to be killing anyone here, then we have no room for him!

[Fighters 1 and 2 stab each other at the same time and both die]


NEVAEH: Oh no!

EMPEROR:  Oh great! I missed it while talking to you!

NEVAEH: That’s awful!

EMPEROR:  Too right, now I have to call in two new gladiators and start again.

NEVAEH: No, the killing, it’s awful.

EMPEROR:  Maybe I’m thinking we send some lions in after you!

NEVAEH: Ha! I’ve silenced lions before, on my last trip. They’re cute.
Well, seems there’s no room in your life for God right now. Please do reconsider.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 2 -  ACT 3 - Philosophers

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Plato

·         Aristotle

·         Socrates

·         Optional Extras - servants

In your story, include:

·         Argue over whether they are in a dream or not and how they can find out

·         Argue over whether a chicken or an egg came first

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.



[your script here, then finish with…]

PLATO:  Guys, do you think if a tree fell in a forest, and there was no one there to smell it, that it would make a smell?

ARISTOTLE:  What kind of tree was it?

SOCRAES:  And the person that wasn’t there, was it because they were stuck in traffic?

PLATO:  These are excellent questions. I think more meditation on this is required.

CELEST: Hi guys. Do you have room for God in your life?

PLATO:  How large of a room are we talking?

ARISTOTLE:  And will he be expanding?

SOCRAES:  And if he isn’t in the room, what room is he in now?

PLATO:  And does this God require a door to get in the room?

ARISTOTLE:  And how large does the door need to be

SOCRAES:  And does the door need a lock?

PLATO:  And why does god even need room?

ARISTOTLE:   Did he stop paying rent and was asked to vacate his current room.

SOCRAES:  And did god smell the tree that fell in the forest if he was in his current room?

CELEST: Um, right, well, essentially, there’s a god who Loves you very much and just want to be a part of your life, you just need to make room for him in your life.

PLATO:  To make room, we would need to give up some things in our life

ARISTOTLE:  We would need to choose what is incompatible in the room with God.

SOCRAES:  Would having God room with us be fulfilling?

PLATO:  Much to consider


ARISTOTLE:  Much to ponder

SOCRAES:  Meditate on this, we will.

CELEST: Great! Please do consider. You won’t regret it.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 2 -  ACT 4 – Shakespearians

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Shakespeare

·         Writer 2

·         Writer 3

In your story, include:

·         Disagreements between all the writers over which character should fall in love with who in their play, for various silly reasons

·         Decide which story character will die, and argue over the most entertaining ways the character might die in the story

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

SHAKESPEARE:  And what shall I call the love story I have written?

WRITER 2:  I’m thinking: “Romeo… and Mavis”

WRITER 3:   That’s an awful name. What about: “Lebron and Mavis”

NEVAEH: Hello there. I was wondering if you all had room for God?

SHAKESPEARE:  God?... God?!... wherefor art thou God?

NEVAEH: Well… He’s back home. But he’s also here. It’s kind of complicated. But he’d like to be with you, if you seek him.

WRITER 2:  So we can seek him here, seek him there, seek him everywhere?

NEVAEH: Ummm, yes??... No…. Maybe?

WRITER 3:   So with God, would it be the best of times, or the worst of times?

NEVAEH:  Definitely the best of times! Filled with wisdom, light, hope and everything before you, including travel to heaven.

SHAKESPEARE:  I can not tell what the dickens he’s talking about. Speaketh English, my man.

WRITER 2: I think with God being everywhere, it makes all the world a stage. And all the men and women merely players.

WRITER 3:  So come again, what was your actual question for us?

NEVAEH: Room for God in your life, is it to be, or not to be? That is my question.

SHAKESPEARE:  All that glitters is not Gold. We should ponder such a strange request first.

NEVAEH: Please do decide, and might I advise, better to decide sooner than a minute too late.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 2 -  ACT 5 – Explorers

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Boat Captain

·         Map master

·         Cook

·         Optional Extras - Ship crew hoisting sales and scrubbing the deck

In your story, include:

·         Map master is confused which way is up on the map and keeps giving different directions to the captain, and captain gets frustrated.

·         The captain is keen to discover a new land, and comes up with wacky names to call the next land he discovers, but can’t decide.

·         The cook is desperately fishing but keeps losing the fish that he almost catches.

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

CAPTAIN:  Oh, I know, we will name the next country we discover Austra-zealand

MAPPER:  Well, it doesn’t matter what name you choose… after further investigation, I think we’re definitely going the wrong direction…  and are almost home, actually. Terribly sorry. But the good news is we can say hi to our families.

CAPTAIN:  What! I went on a voyage to get AWAY from Mrs Cook! She’s been nagging me about tidying up my maps for years.

COOK:  Oh well this will work out well, I can go by some fish, instead of using this fishing line. I’m quite sure it’s faulty.

CELEST: Hi there.

CAPTAIN:  Where did you come from? Are you a native from one of the faraway lands we visited?

CELEST:  A far away land… well yes, indeed. I boarded to ask you if you have room for God.

MAPPER:  Room for God? I don’t think so. We’ve go too much stuff on the endeavour already. She’s a large ship but we really need to declutter.

CELEST: No, have you got room for God in your life.

COOK:  I’ve got room for fish.

CAPTAIN:  Yes, yes, I have room for God. I believe I have seen his providence in my life.

CELEST: Wonderful, then carry out justice and love mercy and sail humbly with God. How about you two?

MAPPER:  Errr, sure, as long as he can find me, cause I’m not overly great at finding anything, it seems.

COOK:   Nah, I’m right. Once I get a new fishing rod, I’ll have all I need.

CELEST: Oh do please reconsider. With God in your life you’ll never go hungry again.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 2 -  ACT 6 - Crusaders

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Knight 1

·         Knight 2

·         Knight 3

In your story, include:

·         While Riding horses they discuss the joys of successfully killing everyone trying to stop them on their way to re-claim the traditional Christian Holy lands.

·         Complain about having sore bottoms from all the horse riding

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

KNIGHT 1:  And what about that last lot that attacked us from behind.

KNIGHT 2:  Yes! Easy peazy to kill, those ones.

KNIGHT 3:  Honestly, who would have thought serving the church would have involved so much slaughtering.

NEVAEH: Hello there! Have you got room for God?

KNIGHT 1:  Have WE got room?

KNIGHT 2:  We’re making room for God every day!

KNIGHT 3:  Yes! One sword swing at a time.

NEVAEH: Sword swing??

KNIGHT 1:  That’s the most efficient way we’ve found.

NEVAEH: Wait, what are you doing?

KNIGHT 2:  Were marching to Jesus’ holy land, and reclaiming it for him.

NEVAEH: But… with swords?

KNIGHT 3:  Yup, cut em down, glorifying the lord.

NEVAEH: No no NO! That’s not what’s wanted. You’ve got it all wrong!

KNIGHT 1:  Hey, who’s side are you on?

KNIGHT 2:  Are you a spy? An Imposter?

KNIGHT 3:  I say we skewer him, just in case. The Church’s work must not be stopped.

NEVAEH: Waaay, wait a minute! You have to stop this immediately. This is not what God wants! It’s Madness.

KNIGHT 1:   I’ve heard all I need to hear. Let’s take him out.

NEVAEH: This is my cue to exit. Do reconsider what you’re doing!

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 2 -  ACT 7 – Angel Wrap Up

Celest: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)

Nevaeh: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)



NEVAEH: Well, THAT was another disaster!

CELEST: Talk about it! I can’t believe that even after all Jesus did, and the scriptures they now have written about God, that they still don’t have room for God. Well, most of them don’t, some do, but most are so caught up in life, they don’t make room.

NEVAEH: Bible! That’s what they’ve called their collection of scriptures, a Bible.

CELEST: Oh, but some of the things those people were doing, in the name of God! Disgusting!

NEVAEH: Humans are so pathetic, honestly! Why does God even send us to chase after them!


NEVAEH: Yeah, I know why. Love. God loves them. God loves them…all. I know it, but I just don’t know how He does it, after all they do.

CELEST: Or they don’t do. Yeah, God’s love is inconceivable. And if it’s so hard for us to comprehend, I guess it’s even harder for the humans to understand.

NEVAEH: Don’t get me wrong. I’m more than happy to serve God. And I also pray no harm on the humans – I guess I’m just in shock at how bad things get without God.

CELEST: Well. I’m guessing we’ll both be back again. There’s still so much work to do down there.

NEVAEH: I think you’re right, unfortunately.

CELEST: What? You don’t want to go on another mission with me.

NEVAEH: No, no! I mean the fact that there’s even a need for a mission is unfortunate.

CELEST: Right. Let’s await the call then, I guess.

NEVAEH: Yes. See you then.

[wave to audience] How about a round of applause for us!




DAY 3 -  ACT 1 - Angel Intro

DAY 3 -  ACT 2 – Inventors Convention

DAY 3 -  ACT 3 – Royal Family

DAY 3 -  ACT 4 – Darwin’s science

DAY 3 -  ACT 5 - WW1 Soldiers

DAY 3 -  ACT 6 – WW2 Pilots

DAY 3 -  ACT 7 – Angel Wrap Up


DAY 3 -  ACT 1 - Angel Intro

Celest: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)

Nevaeh: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)


NEVAEH: Hey, Celest, nice to see you.

CELEST: Hi Nevaeh. Looks like it’s that time of millennium again.

NEVAEH: Yeah. Ready for another round?

CELEST: Not really. I hope it won’t be as awful as last time. I really hope they’ve improved down there.

NEVAEH: Well, they can’t get any worse, can they?

CELEST: It wouldn’t surprise me if they have. Actually, I hear there’s a large war brewing down there. The whole world is involved.

NEVAEH: Oh, great. War is so painful.

CELEST: Nobody wins. So sad.

NEVAEH: I wonder what it’s like, to just do your own thing like those Humans. And NOT have room for God.

CELEST: Woah, wait a minute, That’s how Lucifer got thinking. You can now see where that path leads.

NEVAEH:  True.

CELEST: It’s so much easier to see that God really is love, and His ways are best, now that Lucifer has lead the humans down the alternative route.

NEVAEH:  This is true. It was so confusing at the start, who to believe. God or Lucifer.

CELEST: That’s for sure! But having seen now the alternative to God’s way, It’s a no brainer that God’s way is best and that He really is love.

NEVAEH: Just got to help those in need now, until this is all corrected.

CELEST: Well, I guess we know the drill. Shall we get down there?

NEVAEH: Let’s get it done!

CELEST: God be with you, Nevaeh.

NEVAEH: God be with you, Celest.


DAY 3 -  ACT 2 – Inventors Convention

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Inventor 1

·         Inventor 2

·         Inventor 3

·         Optional Extras – more inventors

In your story, include:

·         Brag about silly inventions they’ve each created and they think they are the best inventors ever.

·         Decide to re-invent the wheel with all sorts of silly idea to use as wheels.

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.



[your script here, then finish with…]

INVENTOR 1:  What about we invent a torch, that has a clock on it, and an alarm, and stopwatch, calendar, camera, video camera, step counter, music player, phone and you can look up videos of cats dancing.

INVENTOR 2:   A torch that can do all that?

INVENTOR 3:  Crazy, no one would ever buy that.

INVENTOR 1:  Sure they would.

CELEST: Hi guys!

INVENTOR 2: Let’s ask this person then. Would you buy a torch, that has a clock on it, and an alarm, and stopwatch, calendar, camera, video camera, step counter, music player, phone and you can look up videos of cats dancing. It’s called an “i torch”.

CELEST: Um, probably not. But I’m not really from around here…

INVENTOR 3:  See. Scrap that idea.

CELEST: Say, sorry to interrupt, I was just wondering if you guys would be able to make room for God?

INVENTOR 1:  Make room for God?

INVENTOR 2:  Sound’s like a challenge!

INVENTOR 3:  I think we accept!

CELEST: Really? That was easy!

INVENTOR 1:  So, we need to find out how big God is and what he want’s to do in this room.

INVENTOR 2:  And does this room need to be able to travel through space and time without going mouldy.

INVENTOR 3:  And will the room need to have a toilet?

INVENTOR 1:  And does God need any gadgets in the room, like a torch… that has a clock on it, and an alarm, and stopwatch, calendar, camera, video camera, step counter, music player, phone and you can look up videos of cats dancing?


INVENTOR 2:  This is an excellent challenge

INVENTOR 3:  let’s nut it out!

[inventors huddle around each other, pretending to talk and plan]

CELEST: Um, this isn’t quite what I had in mind. Guys? GUYS!?.... I think I’ll come back later.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 3 -  ACT 3 – Royal Family

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         King

·         Queen

·         Jester

In your story, include:

·         King and queen sit on thrones and talk about adding some ridiculously expensive and extravagant things to their castle.

·         A jester occasionally tells a dad joke here and there.

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

KING 1:  Queen, deary, what about we replace the horses, that drive our golden carriage, with sixty elephants. Do you think that would show people we’re more noble than the king to the south?

QUEEN:  What a fabulous idea! That will surely make them look like peasants.

JESTER:  What do you call an elephant that hates taking baths?... A smelly-phant!

KING:  Oh, you are too funny, my jester.

JESTER:   Hooray, last week I was only one funny!

QUEEN:  Yes… and I think you’ve just slid back to being one funny again.


NEVAEH: Hello there.

KING:  Yes, what is it you want. Make it snappy.

NEVAEH: Oh, I just wanted to know if you have any room for God?

KING: Room for a God? Ho ho ho ho, I didn’t know we had a second jester?

NEVAEH: Oh, no! I’m not a Jester

QUEEN:  Well, can’t you see. We have EVERYTHING we want. And if we don’t, we just go and buy it.

KING:  Or take it for ourselves… as we can, being ruler of the land.

NEVAEH: Really? You’re happy with only this?

JESTER:   I have room for God.

QUEEN:  Oh, there you go, bravo, Jester. You are officially too funny again.

NEVAEH: Are you serious?

JESTER:  Yes. I might be funny, but I feel so empty. I definitely have room for God.

NEVAEH: Wonderful! I shall tell him immediately. Though I suspect he’s already heard the news. Your royal highnesses, I do hope you will reconsider.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 3 -  ACT 4 – Darwin’s science

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Charles Darwin

·         Scientist 2

·         Scientist 3

In your story, include:

·         As a group try catching an animal so you can study it, but it’s rather difficult to grab.

·         Darwin comes up with some crazy theories of why certain animals have certain features. Other scientists are amazed as such remarkable ideas

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

DARWIN:  I was just thinking, my scientist friends. If we put all my ideas together we could well have a theory of… “Decent with modification”

SCIENTIST 2:  I love the concept, but the name could do with some evolution.

CELEST: Excuse me, everyone. I have a quick question for you all.

DARWIN:  Oh, we love musing on questions, don’t we.

SCIENTIST 2:  Yes, and between us we can make up a plausible answer for ANYTHING you ask.

SCIENTIST 3:  What is your question?

CELEST: I simply want to know if you have room for God in your life.

DARWIN:  Oh? Show me this God, and we can assess if we have room for him or not. We only study the things we can see.

CELEST:  Can you not merely look around and see the incredible handiwork of God?

SCIENTIST 2:  Actually, Mr Darwin, has come up with some amazing ideas of how the animals of the world could have come into existence – WITHOUT a god.

SCIENTIST 3:  Yes, so quite frankly, we don’t need room for a god anymore.

CELEST: Are you serious? You think all this could, what, make itself?

DARWIN:  Give it long enough... Why not! It’s like…. It’s like… what did you call it?

SCIENTIST 2:   Evolution?

CELEST: More like CONvolution. I’m sorry. I’m not meant to emotionally connect with you, but…. that is just crazy, and incredibly disrespectful.

SCIENTIST 2:  Oh really?

CELEST: Yes, have you even seen how complex microbiology is. [sigh] just breathe, Celest.
Very well. I’ll take this as a no. I do so hope you’ll re-consider!

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 3 -  ACT 5 - WW1 Soldiers

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Soldier 1

·         Soldier 2

·         Soldier 3

·         Optional Extras – more soldiers

In your story, include:

·         Not a funny scene. Intense.

·         The three soldiers are in a trench with rifles shooting occasionally at the enemy.

·         Soldier 3 gets shot and starts to die. Soldier 1 stops fighting and supports them.

·         Soldier 2 is in shock and distressed at the immanent death of his friend.

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

SOLDIER 3:  [dying breath] Tell Chris, I… tell Chris… I love….

SOLDIER 1:  Come on, Mac. Don’t die. Come on. Look at me.

SOLDIER 2:  This is it, isn’t it. We’re all going to die here. Aren’t we.

SOLDIER 1:  Come on, Mac. Come on. Mac…. Mac…. MAC….

SOLDIER 2:  I’m never going to see my kids again, am I?

SOLDIER 1:  No, no, nooooo. Mac. [Crys, and lays to rest]

NEVAEH: Hi guys I have a question…. Oh no….

SOLDIER 1:  You’re too late. He’s gone.

NEVAEH: Oh, no. I just had a question for you…. But…

SOLDIER 2:  You want questions? What are we even doing here! What is the point of all this death. What is the point of it all?

SOLDIER 1:  What do you want to ask, and tell your superior?

NEVAEH: Well…. I just needed to ask if you have room for God in your life?

SOLDIER 1:  GOD!!!!???? Where was God 10 minutes ago. Where was God as this war was just beginning? If there IS a God then I ain’t got no room for him.

SOLDIER 2:  There is no room for God here. Only death.

NEVAEH: I can see why you feel this way. I hope you can come through this and one day reconsider. I’m so sorry.

[to audience] respect for our actors. [Cabin leaves without making eye contact with audience]

DAY 3 -  ACT 6 – WW2 Pilots

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Redhawk

·         Armstrong

·         Maverick

In your story, include:

·         Intense, not a funny scene.

·         Three planes radio to each other pointing out where enemy planes are approaching from, as they fly around trying not to get shot down by hundreds of enemy planes.

·         Some success is had shooting down some enemy planes

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

REDHAWK:  Armstrong! Four on your tail…

ARMSTRONG:  I’m Hit. IM HIT!  [Armstrong quietly walks off stage]

REDHAWK:  Armstrong! [pause] ARMSTRONG!

MAVERICK:  They’re coming around again, Redhawk

REDHAWK:  We have to go back for Armstrong

MAVERICK:  He’s gone, Redhawk.

REDHAWK:  You don’t know that, Maverick!

MAVERICK:  I do. He didn’t eject. Come on Redhawlk, let’s,… [Maverick quietly walks off stage]


REDHAWK:  What’s your position, Maverick? I can’t see you. [pause] Maverick? They’re all over me! Need some help Maverick! They’re coming strait at me… [Redhawk quietly walks off stage]

CELEST: Hey guy’s I was just wondering…. Guys? Huh. That’s weird. I have here on my list. This location. 3 pilots. OH no…. No, no, no!!!! They’re…. dead…. I’m too late. I hope they had room for God.

[to audience] respect for our actors. [Cabin leaves without making eye contact with audience]

DAY 3 -  ACT 7 – Angel Wrap Up

Celest: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)

Nevaeh: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)


[both walk in slowly, in shock]

NEVAEH: That… was…. the…. worst.

CELEST: Tell me about it. One set of my contacts was killed before I even got to speak to them!

NEVAEH: I cannot believe the state of the world that the Humans are living in now.

CELEST: They are out of control! And to think, how perfect everything started in the beginning.

NEVAEH: I’m sooo glad I was not born a human. So helpless.  

CELEST: I wish we could help them more. I mean, it wouldn’t be hard for us to protect them from each other.

NEVAEH: Apparently we need to fully see what life is like when there’s no room for God. I’m so thankful God has a plan to stop it.

CELEST: Yeah, and hopefully soon. This is all very distressing!

NEVAEH: It could be soon, I’ve already got the request for our next assignment, and it’s only about 80 years from now…?  2024 or something.

CELEST: This is soon. I wonder if their world will have changed much in that short time? I mean they’ve invented airplanes and electricity, what else are they capable of inventing in only 80 more years?

NEVAEH: Surely that’s the limit of their brightness.

CELEST: We’ll find out soon enough! See you back here soon.

NEVAEH: See you then.

[wave to audience] How about a round of applause for us!





DAY 4 -  ACT 1 - Angel Intro

DAY 4 -  ACT 2 – Movies and Music

DAY 4 -  ACT 3 - Gamers

DAY 4 -  ACT 4 - Shoppers

DAY 4 -  ACT 5 – Sport Fans

DAY 4 -  ACT 6 – TikTok/YouTube Influencers

DAY 4 -  ACT 7 – Angel Wrap Up



DAY 4 -  ACT 1 - Angel Intro

Celest: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)

Nevaeh: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)


NEVAEH: Here we go again. I can’t believe we’re STILL doing this.

CELEST: I know! Hasn’t the universe seen enough of sin’s effect?

NEVAEH: God must REALLY love these humans.  I reckon I’d have given up only a hundred years in.

CELEST: I hope this is the last time.

NEVAEH: Could be, you know. There’s sure been a lot of rehearsal for Jesus’ Second Coming lately.

CELEST: True. Hey, what’s your involvement with the Second Coming?

NEVAEH: I’m singing alto. Wow, are there some tricky arpeggios to scale! But I must admit, the songs are sounding like nothing I’ve ever heard in the universe. And what about you?

CELEST: I’m on the lighting team.

NEVAEH: Oh, that would be interesting.

CELEST: Yeah, We get to use coloured lightning for the first time.

NEVAEH: Coloured Lightning?

CELEST: Yeah. Think of a rainbow, but with 5 newly invented colours added, AND behaving like lightning across the night sky.

NEVAEH: Rainbow Lightning?! That sound’s wild!

CELEST: Speaking of wild….  Should we get going?

NEVAEH: I guess so. One more time. Right?

CELEST: I hope so. Let’s do this. God be with you, Nevaeh.

NEVAEH: God be with you, Celest.






DAY 4 -  ACT 2 – Movies and Music

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Teen 1

·         Teen 2

·         Optional Extras – more teens

In your story, include:

·         Teens talking about how much they love the latest movies, the actors and music releases of their idolised stars

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

TEEN 1:  I added up the cost of my movie tickets and streaming rentals, and I spent like $700 on movies this year!

TEEN 2:   Wow, not as much as last year then.

TEEN 1:  Not as much stuff I wanted to see this year, nah.

TEEN 2:  I spent something similar on music streaming services and phone data.

TEEN 1:  Wow, that’s a good deal. I went over that, if you include concerts.

TEEN 2:  Oh yeah, there’s another two thousand, right there, if you include concerts.

NEVAEH: Hi there

TEEN 1:  Hey

NEVAEH: Just wondering, have you ever considered making room for God in your life?

TEEN 2:  Ummm. What streaming service is he on?

NEVAEH: Streaming service?

TEEN 1:  Yeah, streaming service, like where you listen to music. How do you listen to your music? CD or something?

NEVAEH:  Oh, I only listen to live music.

TEEN 2:  Oh, bussin! Wish I could afford that. What a Flex.

TEEN 1:  I don’t think we have any spare cash for any more streaming services, so if God is not on what we got now, then, nah, sorry.

TEEN 2:  We just ain’t got no room on our phones for God. Even if he’s got rizz.

NEVAEH: Ok, well, keep God in mind, because He’s… how do you say… “stanning” you?”

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 4 -  ACT 3 - Gamers

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Teen 1

·         Teen 2

·         Optional Extras – more teens

In your story, include:

·         Two teens are gaming together, and make comments on the progress of their game and strategy, with some winning and losing moments experienced

·         Some side chat about new games coming out they are looking forward to.

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

TEEN 1:  Augh man! My game’s just frozen.

TEEN 2:  I can still see you, but you’re not moving. Oh…. No, you just disappeared.

TEEN 1: Nuts, is that the time? I gotta be as school early tomorrow. I’m going to get like 2 hours sleep!

TEEN 2:  Come on, one more round. We’re on a role.

CELEST: Hey guys, who’s winning?

TEEN 1:  No one at the moment. Restarting.

TEEN 2:  Noob alert

CELEST: Hey, just wondering if you’d have room for God?

TEEN 1:  Um, is he any good?

TEEN 2:  Yeah how long’s he been playin?

CELEST: Since the beginning.

TEEN 2:  Right. Well, if anyone leaves our squad, he can join in, sure. But I don’t’ think anyone’s planning on leaving, sorry.

TEEN 1:  I guess that means we got no room for your God, sorry. Starting again, gotta concentrate. You can watch if you like, just don’t’ talk to us.

CELEST: I think I’ll leave you to it. God’ll watch though. Hope you reconsider.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 4 -  ACT 4 - Shoppers

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Teen 1

·         Teen 2

·         Optional Extras – more teens

In your story, include:

·         Teens talking about the amazing items they bought today

·         Spot something most desirable and try and justify if they should each buy it or not.

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

TEEN 1:  Hmm, looks like my cards maxed out, and my bank account is basically empty – I guess that’s no more shopping for me then.

TEEN 2:  You could AfterPay.

TEEN 1:  Ha! No I’ve hit their 2 thousand limit already.

TEEN 2:  I suppose were done for the day then.

NEVAEH: Hi there.

TEEN 1/2:  Hey

NEVAEH: Just wondering, do you have room for God in your life?

TEEN 1:  Ha, I got no room for anything more in my life right now. I’m maxed out.

TEEN 2:  I got a little room left. Who’s God?

NEVAEH: Someone who cares about you and wants what’s best for you and wants you to join His family

TEEN 2:  Right, well, sounds so impressive, I highly doubt I can afford God.

NEVAEH: Oh no, he’s practically free.

TEEN 1:  Practically?

NEVAEH: Well, you might have to give up your intense focus on shopping, to be able to have room for him, but other than that, no cash is needed.

TEEN 2:  Sound’s cheap, but expensive.

NEVAEH: Pretty much.

TEEN 2:  Does he accept returns, if I don’t like him.

NEVAEH: Sure! It devastates him but it’s fully up to you whether you keep him or not.

TEEN 1:   Well, I’m unable to buy anything else, so count me in.

TEEN 2:  Yah, ok, if you say we can try and return if we don’t like Him, I’ll give him a go.

NEVAEH: SWEET! I’m pretty sure if you give Him a good go you won’t return.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 4 -  ACT 5 – Sport Fans

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Teen 1

·         Teen 2

·         Optional Extras – more teens

In your story, include:

·         Two, or more, teens at a sports game cheer on the highs and lows of a sports game they’re watching

·         Give commentary on the season so far and the hopes of future games and star players.

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

TEEN 1&2:  Come on!  Come on!  Come ooooooon!  YYEEAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

TEEN 1:  WOO! What a win!

TEEN 2:  Wow that was close.

CELEST: Hi guys, good win?

TEEN 1:  Yeah! Doesn’t get any better than that.

CELEST: Well, actually, that’s what I came to talk to you about.

TEEN 2:  What, you’ve got us season tickets for next year?

CELEST: Better

TEEN 1:  You’ve got us a spot on the team to play??

CELEST: Better

TEEN 2:  We get the pay check of the players and DON’T have to play??

CELEST: Better

TEEN 1:  Right. What are you on about.

CELEST: You just need room for God and you’ll know all about it.

TEEN 2:  Augh, I see. Some religious scam. No thanks!

CELEST: Not a scam. More real than you know. Make the room and take the ride.

TEEN 1:  What room do we need to make.

CELEST: Probably downsizing the memorabilia, downsizing the match and reply watching  time , and upsizing the meditation on God.

TEEN 2:  No way, mate. The games are our life!

TEEN 1: Yeah, and not giving up spending everything I have on signed memorabilia.

CELEST: We’ll I thought you might like to jump on board with the winning team. Your choice. I hope you change your mind.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 4 -  ACT 6 – TikTok/YouTube Influencers

Create a scene that includes dialogue for two or three minutes between the cast of:

·         Teen 1

·         Teen 2

·         Optional Extras – more teens

In your story, include:

·         Do an unboxing of something everyone wants

·         Do a TikTok dance

·         Do a rant about something.

·         Include the phrase ‘Am I right’ here and there

At the end of your invented script, lead into the below lines that will end off your act, where you’ll be joined by an angel actor to interact with your group’s characters.


[your script here, then finish with…]

TEEN 1:  We are live!

TEEN 2:  Hey there, subscribers!

NEVAEH: Hi guys

TEEN 1:  A new subscriber!

TEEN 2:  Welcome to our channel?

NEVAEH: Thanks.

TEEN 1:  Tell us, why did you choose to join us?

TEEN 2:  Was it our engaging content

TEEN 1:  Was it our style

TEEN 2:  Or was it our offer for a $250 gift card giveawaaaaaay

TEEN 1:   Ca-Ching!

NEVAEH: I just wanted to see if you had room.

TEEN 1:  We got room alright! For everyone!

NEVAEH: This is wonderful. So you have room for God?!

TEEN 2:  For who?

NEVAEH: God. Of heaven?

TEEN 1:  Yeah! Of course we do, get him to subscribe! Everyone’s welcome here – however you identify.

NEVAEH: No, he’s a real being.

TEEN 2:  Of course, as are all our subscribers. Am I right?

TEEN 1:  You’re right, no bot subscribers here, uh ahh.

TEEN 2:  Like, subscribe, and ring that bell everyone!

TEEN 1 & 2: Ding dong!

NEVAEH: No, I don’t think you understand. God would like you to make room for him in real life.

TEEN 1:  Real life? Who’s living there anymore? Am I right?

TEEN 2:  You’re right! I know I’m not!

NEVAEH: Guys, I’d really like you to consider giving some room for God. He’s been subscribed to you since you were born!

TEEN 1:  Honestly, who hasn’t been subscribed to me since I was born. Am I right?

NEVAEH: Ok, thanks. I just urge you to disconnect for a bit and consider making room to subscribe back to God.

[to audience] Round of applause for our actors. [Cabin cast takes a bow]

DAY 4 -  ACT 7 – Angel Wrap Up

Celest: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)

Nevaeh: An angel, played by a staff member (not a cabin member)



CELEST: WOWEE. What was with that generation.

NEVAEH: Yeah, some of the language they’re using… doesn’t seem to be in my universal dictionary.

CELEST: What edition?

NEVAEH: Last week.

CELEST: There you go, it’s out of date!

NEVAEH: How’d you go?

CELEST: Same old. Hardly any take up.

NEVAEH: Me neither. More distracted then ever it seems.

CELEST: It’s as if the world has been morphed into one big collection of noise and distractions to prevent people having room for God.

NEVAEH: All these times over the millenniums we’ve visited, we’ve only managed to convince a few…

CELEST: Well, God did say he was sending us to some of the toughest cases.

NEVAEH: Such a shame. If only they realised what God was really like, they would have dropped everything.

CELEST: I guess finding some was better than none. He really does love everyone, and was so delighted with the ones we DID find had room for God.

NEVAEH: Well, I guess we’re all done then…

CELEST: [stares out at audience] Not…. quite.

NEVAEH: What do you mean?

CELEST: What about them?? [points to audience]

NEVAEH: What, a bunch of school kids, sitting in a building out in a rainforest? They’re not on our list.

CELEST: Yeah, but why not. Surely there’s some in this large group willing to make room for God in their lives. It’d be great to report back we found some young ones with room.

NEVAEH: Well, I guess we have a couple of minutes before departure. But how are we going to speak to them all so quickly,

CELEST: We can just put a call out.

NEVAEH: But how will we hear their replies all at once.

CELEST: I’ll just ask them to stand for a moment, and we’ll be done.

NEVAEH: None of them will stand. Not in front of their friends.

CELEST: Yeah they will. If they have decided they have room for God in their life, they’ll stand. I guarantee it!

NEVAEH: Well, worth a shot. Just be quick. We have to get going!

CELEST: [to audience] Hello out there! Hey, my friend and I were just wondering…
If any of you have room for God in your life, we’d love to be able to report that back to God. Could I just ask quickly, would you mind stand for us, right now, if you have room for God?


NEVAEH: Quadruple WOW! That’s fantastic!

CELEST: Thanks everyone. Be seated. Can’t wait to report this back to God.

NEVAEH: But, not EVERYONE stood.

CELEST: Yeah, maybe they are a little distracted with some other stuff in their life right now. Hopefully those around them will pray for them. I have a feeling they’ll be just fine.

NEVAEH: You know, I think there’s one last thing we need to do.

[to audience] Round of applause for all our actoooooors this week!



Performance: NNSW Conference Summer Camps December 17, 2024 


All items on this site are written by Scott Wegener, a multi award-winning Australian creative writer, specialising in fun Christian dramas and articles. He believes in looking on the lighter side of life while still valuing the eternal seriousness of life's decisions. This site is essentially a place Scott stores his works, sometimes without much copy-editing (do forgive any spelling/grammar creativity you spot on this site that comes free of charge due to his slight dyslexia).